J.M.W. Turner | A World of Light and Fire

Описание к видео J.M.W. Turner | A World of Light and Fire

«My job is to paint what I see, not what I know.” – J. M. W. Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) was a British painter, and alongside his countryman John Constable one of the greatest painters the country has ever bred. Early in his artistic career, Turner painted watercolors and was greatly touched by the illuminating, colourful and air-like effects in the art of Claude Lorrain. He later travelled to Italy, where the atmospheric Venezian painting fueled his fascination for the nature of light and its effects in the painting. He started experimenting with light and colour, firework-like compositions where the figurative was set aside for the abstract and self experienced. As the above quote illuminates, Turner had a phemonenological approach to the art of painting – he painted what he saw before him as it appeared, and by this projected himself into the art. A visionary and almost sublime transcendent form nature nature and reality was the result, incredible paintings which drags you into the composition with all its life and colour.

Music "impression sunrise" by Vetle Lyckander. Listen more here:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2EuEU...
YouTube:    / @pianist  
Apple Music:   / vetle-lyckander  

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