Scaling up of Best Practices and Innovation: The Keekonyokie Slaughterhouse Case study, Kenya

Описание к видео Scaling up of Best Practices and Innovation: The Keekonyokie Slaughterhouse Case study, Kenya

A Learning Activity organized by the International Fund of Agricultural Development (IFAD)Butana Integrated Rural Development Project (BIRDP) in collaboration with PROCASUR Corporation on the Keekonyokie Slaughterhouse case study in Kiserian Kenya.

The learning activity was designed as a follow up to the implementation of the innovation plan developed during the Learning Route on Innovative Livestock Marketing from Northern to Eastern Africa – that was held in Kenya in March 2012.

Five years after the 2012 learning route, its benefit is visible, particularly in one of the IFAD funded project in Sudan: the Butana Integrated Rural Development Project (BIRDP) that now is ready and well prepared to implement the Tamboul Slaughterhouse Innovation Plan as designed by the BIRDP participants who took part in the Learning Route on Livestock Marketing in Kenya (2012). This Innovation Plan was particularly drawn from the best practices at the Keekonyokie Slaughterhouse in Kiserian, Kenya and the Mbirikani Slaughterhouse in Amboseli, Kenya.


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