DARTH MAUL - Updated Hero Guide (2021) - STAR WARS Battlefront 2

Описание к видео DARTH MAUL - Updated Hero Guide (2021) - STAR WARS Battlefront 2

The Ultimate Hero Guide for DARTH MAUL, updated in 2021, for Star Wars: Battlefront 2

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Occasional Gameplay from Knight Solo, go and give him some love!:    / @heen..  

00:00 - Intro
00:17 - Contents
01:06 - Base Stats
02:12 - Ability Stats
03:48 - GA + Supremacy - Star Cards
05:09 - GA + Supremacy - Best Maps
05:36 - GA + Supremacy - General Tips
08:54 - HvV + Showdown - Star Cards
09:25 - HvV + Showdown - Weaknesses
09:48 - HvV + Showdown - General Tips
11:24 - Outro

Mace WinPoo -    / @mace_winpoo  
StreamBeats by Harris Heller -    / @streambeatsbyharrisheller  

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Thanks so much for watching guys, hopefully I see you around the channel!


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