Swindon Panel Signal Box Visit

Описание к видео Swindon Panel Signal Box Visit

The Swindon Panel Preservation Society held its first meeting on September 14th 2013. After a fascinating talk on the work that the preservation society plans to undertake, we were treated to a visit of the panel in situ. First, we saw the relay room beneath the panel. This is where all of the equipment is housed that controls the flow of inputs and outputs to and from the panel above. We were then shown the panel in use.

It is intended that the panel will be taken out of use around May 2014, when operation is transferred to a regional centre at Didcot. This public visit was potentially one of the last to be allowed to see the panel in full use. Once decommissioned, it will be moved to its new home (tbc), and wired up as a simulator.

Thanks to all who made this visit possible!


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