Forgotten Ancient Forestry - Reviving Nature's Secret Superwood. Part 1. Ringbarking and Spotbarking

Описание к видео Forgotten Ancient Forestry - Reviving Nature's Secret Superwood. Part 1. Ringbarking and Spotbarking

More detailed info about these lost and forgotten techniques:

When our father needed good timber,
he went to the pine forest in spring time
when the juices start to run
to cut a ring around the growing pine
50cm from the ground. He then cut several spots
around the tree up to the branches.
The tree had to stand all over the summer and autumn,
so in the deep and cold winter,
by the last days of waning moon,
when the its disc is empty he took down the pines.
Then they became almost as hard as stone
and no insects or rot was attacking the wood.

BOHUSLÄN Västerlanda, Sweden 1875.

After 1-2 years this pine will extract all the sugars
and nutrients trough the ring and injured spots.
It will seal all the injuries with pine resin
and will be starting to die and dry - having less water once felled.

As time goes on the wood will become harder and harder and
will not be attacked by mold, blue stain, fungus or insects.

Very important is to fell the trees during winter
when the roots are frozen (December - February)
by the waning moon - when the moon's disc is almost empty.

Pine prepared this way can last for more than 800-1000 years.



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