A Formula For Courage – Dr. Charles Stanley

Описание к видео A Formula For Courage – Dr. Charles Stanley

God offers a solution to the very human struggle with fear, inadequacy, and discouragement during trying times. In this message, Dr. Stanley shows us the biblical formula for gaining a never-ending source of strength in God’s almighty presence. He is the one who empowers and equips us with the courage we need to face any circumstance. Learning to rely on Him and the wisdom from His Word will lead us to outcomes even greater than we can imagine.

Sinking Scripture into our hearts and minds until it becomes a way of living will lead us to a success that is truly worthwhile. It is a victory that pierces deep into the heart and soul, and one that has lasting and profound value in eternity.

For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week's broadcast, go to www.intouch.org/watch


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