Hudson 1939 Models

Описание к видео Hudson 1939 Models

Having retooled its model lines for greater clarity and efficiency in 1938, Hudson Motor Car Company was very well-positioned for the improving economic conditions to come for 1939, which however would soon be overshadowed by heightened international tensions and the onset of war in Europe. Lightly updated styling continued the basic design language laid down the previous year. In addition to Hudson’s continued use of Bendix hydraulic brakes with a mechanical backup system in the event of emergency, technical refinements at Hudson for 1939 included “Auto-Poise Control” steering designed to help keep the front wheels straight even in the event of a tire blow-out. Passenger comfort and ease of operation were enhanced with a new steering-column gear shifter to keep the front passenger compartment free from the old-style floor shifter and emergency brake lever.

Added safety came with a new front-hinged, dash-lock “alligator” safety hood that was at once immune from being blown open when the car was in motion and from theft risk when the car was parked and locked. Inside, new “Airfoam” seat cushions enhanced Hudson’s already well-deserved reputation for delivering outstanding ride comfort. Comfort, convenience, and overall design would also advance further at Hudson in 1939 with the hiring of Betty Thatcher Oros as the first female automotive designer in America, a post she would hold through 1941 when civilian automobile production would soon give way to wartime production. All the effort was worth it, with Hudson production and sales drastically climbing back, totaling 82,000-plus vehicles for 1939.


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