Cinema 4D tutorial - MoGraph 2 - Cubes into Letters [part 1]

Описание к видео Cinema 4D tutorial - MoGraph 2 - Cubes into Letters [part 1]

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Check out how to make cubes making the shape of a word using Cinema 4D. Great for logo animations.
In this tutorial I'll use some basic tools such as the cloner object and the random effector.

As requested, part 2 & 3 already online:

Part 2:
   • Cinema 4D tutorial - MoGraph 2 - Cube...  
-camera animation

Part 3:
   • Cinema 4D tutorial - MoGraph 2 - Cube...  
-ligthing the scene
-material editing
-compositing in After Effects

Feel free to like and subscibe if you want more tutorials.

Thank you Roberto Aguirre for asking me to share this.


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