Operation Cue - 1955 Operation Teapot, Nuclear Tests, Apple-2, Nevada Test Site 40960

Описание к видео Operation Cue - 1955 Operation Teapot, Nuclear Tests, Apple-2, Nevada Test Site 40960

Operation Teapot was a series of fourteen nuclear test explosions conducted at the Nevada Test Site in the first half of 1955. The aims of the operation were to establish military tactics for ground forces on a nuclear battlefield, and to improve the nuclear weapons used for strategic delivery. The Civil Defense "Apple-2" shot on 5 May 1955 was intended to test various building construction types in a nuclear blast. An assortment of buildings, including residential houses and electrical substations, were constructed at the site nicknamed "Survival Town". The buildings were populated with mannequins, and stocked with different types of canned and packaged foods. Not all of the buildings were destroyed in the blast, and some of them still stand at Area 1, Nevada Test Site. This short film about the blast, referred to as "Operation Cue", was distributed by the Federal Civil Defense Administration. A 1964 Department of Defense repackaging of the 1955 short, this film revisits the original footage with relation to modern weapons, as well as reviewing the buildings in more depth.

This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com


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