Symphonic Suite No.2 "Armored" - Ferruccio Busoni

Описание к видео Symphonic Suite No.2 "Armored" - Ferruccio Busoni

BBC Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Neeme Järvi.

I - Prelude. Allegro moderato e deciso - Più lento - Alla breve, un poco maestoso - Tempo I - Un poco agitato - Vivacemente - Furioso - Più lento - Sehr ruhig: 0:00
II - War Dance. Allegro risoluto - Agitato - Quasi presto agitato e deciso - Presto: 5:53
III - Funeral Monument. Andante grave - Molto tranquillo: 9:22
IV - Assault. Allegro impetuoso - Un poco tranquillo - Allegretto marziale - Più animato - Un poco maestoso ma sempre con moto : 14:56

Busoni's Symphonic Suite No.2 was composed between 1894-5, being premiered on October 8 of 1897, performed by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by the composer. Shortly before its publication in 1905, the composer revised the piece in 1903 and performed it on December 1 of 1904, played again by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by the composer. However, after the First World War happened, the composer came to dislike the piece, vanishing from the concert programs.

The work is dedicated to Busoni's Finnish friends in Helsinki, where he had been teaching piano at the Music Institute from 1888-90. As they were friends not only of him but also of his Newfoundland dog, Lesko, the dedication humoristically reads "To the 'Leskovites' in Helsingfors (1899)". More specifically, the first movement is dedicated to Jean Sibelius, the second to Adolf Paul, and the last two movements to the brothers Armas and Eero Järnefelt. The suite is an eclectic, transitional work best described as a kind of "hero’s life", an evocation of the era of chivalry.

The first movement is written in sonata form. It begins with a martial main theme on the brass, soon contrasted by a more melodic and reflective second one on strings. The music elevates in a solemn climax, followed by a vigorous and energetic development. A brief recapitulation of the second theme lead us to a decided coda.

The second movement is monothematic in form. A forceful main theme is presented, growing more intense and brilliant until a massive climax is reached. A calmer passage leads us to the repetition of the main material. A powerful and triumphal climax ends the movement in a glorious blaze.

The third movement is written form of an arch. It begins with an obscure introduction, after which a solemn main theme is presented. A more heroic and wilful second theme is then introduced by the brass, after which the music rises in a strong and massive series of climaxes. The main theme is recapitulated in a contemplative passage, before a calm coda ends the movement.

The fourth movement is written in sonata form. A masculine and energetic main theme is presented, built on strings ostinatos and brass fanfares. After a transition, a colourful and lyrical second theme is presented. The music gains momentum and majesty in the ensuing development. A triumphal coda ends the work brilliantly.

Picture: "Garibaldi at Mentana, 3rd November 1867" by an unknown painter.

Musical analysis written by myself. Sources: and

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