Yurgir kills the last Justiciar Lyrthindor, on his own. A BG3 Larian Oversight?

Описание к видео Yurgir kills the last Justiciar Lyrthindor, on his own. A BG3 Larian Oversight?

So, what happens if you find the LAST Justiciar, but instead of hurting/killing him yourself, you were to actively avoid doing that entirely, and instead haul his ass all the way to Yurgir himself, toss him to Yurgir's feet?

Sadly, Yurgir nor any of his associates appear to care that he exists at all, they won't initiate at all, you can quite literally carry him all the way there, and then fight him with your entire party amongst Yurgir's crew while they walk back and forth like you don't even exist.

So how do you remedy this?

Well, when you get Lyrthindor to Yurgir, you must cause him to insight a fight with the group, and so far the only tool i had on hand at the time was Crown of Madness, which causes him to attack nearby individuals, this causes Yurgir to become hostile towards him. There's one catch, he could perform a saving throw and, for WHATEVER REASON, the moment crown of madness disappears, Yurgir and the group will no longer be hostile even if he manages to kill any of them. This is why i had replenished a spell slot with an elixir just in case that happened.

Now while in this video Yurgir doesn't get the last hit, my first attempt at this managed to have Yurgir land the last hit as a critical killing Lyrthindor, but this doesn't change the outcome at all, Rapheal still shows up, INSISTS my party is the one that killed him (even though we weren't even involved in the fight at all, i've reattempted this in which not even my own party memebers end up in the fight, we just sit back watch Lyrthindor get brutally murdered by the group and then they go back to the usual.

In all honesty i thought this would be a way to complete Yurgir's contract without Raphael being able to dictate the fine print, maybe even get absolutely pissed at our party to instigate a brief fight with Raphael even, perhaps making Yurgir a summonable ally or who knows what kind of other rewards (like him willfully giving us his crossbow and maybe some other weapons or unique armor/accessories, hell even opening up more options with the one guy by the fire that is a merchant.

Larian for the love of all things that would be unique to this game, allow at least something different to play out in this scenario. Also to be clear, i repeated this attempt without harming Lyrthindor at all during the carry process, if that were to be a requirement, i'd be fine, it's just a bit tedious sometimes to cancel the toss sometimes.


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