Описание к видео WORD ENCOUNTER #4

Welcome to today's broadcast of the WORD ENCOUNTER with God's servant, Azanor Eddy Thompson. Listen to this very vital message with a heart of expectation for the divine revelation of God's word.

This is the concluding part of last week's Word Encounter with the "CHOSEN FOR HIS PRAISES [PT 2]". We'll study in-depth about the Last Generation and the 144,000 whom God shall redeem to reflect his image and character for his glory! God is calling us to be a generation without guile, without fault/blemish.

God wants to depend on you to be part of this GREAT CALLING! He is willing to enable you with his great and the ability to life a live above the limitations of sins; and the power to overcome sins in your life! YOU CAN PARTNER WITH GOD TODAY BY LIVING A LIFE FOR HIS GLORY!

Listen and be blessed in Jesus name, Amen!

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