Defeats Of My Favorite Movies Villains Par 14

Описание к видео Defeats Of My Favorite Movies Villains Par 14

Villains Quotes :

"You're mine, Ted!” -Donny
"You have no idea what I am capable of provoking the world I am the future of your country" - Thomas Gabriel
"I can end your eternity, make you... ...mortal." -Ichirō Yashida/The Silver Samurai
"This planet will be dark forever." -The Fallen
"GROAWWW!" - Piranha
"You tried to hide your suit from me? Now, it's gonna blow up in your face and destroy everyone you care about.” -Yellowjacket
"Oh whatever would I do with all of this power oh what a minute that's it I'm going rule the entire world.” -Gargamel
"Hi, Your servisios here are no longer necessary to ADIOSS! " - Gree Gobli / Harry Obrsbon
"Please just let us Purge!” -Polite Leader
"This is to have the country sure the country will be very agredesida by its sacrifice " - Earl Danzinger
"Your lack of faith is disturbing"- Darth Vader
“….” -Shockwave


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