(Terraria Awful Garbage Mod Soundtrack) Carcass and Cadaver - Theme of Sese Kitsugai

Описание к видео (Terraria Awful Garbage Mod Soundtrack) Carcass and Cadaver - Theme of Sese Kitsugai

Yes, this is a remix of Sese's theme from RMI because len'en is cool

Awful Garbage mod is a mod where I throw random stuff into it, but I also randomly decided to throw in the entirety of Len'en 3 Reactivate Majestical Imperial for whatever reason, starting off with Sese
I had this idea around the start of the mod and decided to go with it, no turning back now

Original:    • ムクロマンサー 〜 抜け殻の夢  

Video made in: https://vizzy.io

And I will also stop uploading to soundcloud because I am running out of minutes lol

my thumbnail and video creating skills are awful
just like the mod


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