এফডিআর নবায়ন I How to renew FDR I Fixed Deposit Account

Описание к видео এফডিআর নবায়ন I How to renew FDR I Fixed Deposit Account

Maturity date of fdr means a contractual period during this period account holder can not with money from his bank account and this deposited money will keep in this bank account till to contractual period and bank will provide a certain percentage as interest on his deposited money. Common maturity period of fdr account in any banks are: one month fdr period,two month fdr period,three month fdr period, six month fdr period, one year fdr period and three year fdr period.Every customer of any bank need to know about maturity period of fdr account in any bank and take necessary action renew fdr account .
I have discussed in this video about the type of FDR renewal and detail procedure of it.
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Fixed_Deposit_Interest_rate _in_Bangladesh
FDR_Interest rate_in_Bangladesh


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