10/28/2011 Research Statements, Faculty Job Applications, and the Faculty Selection Process

Описание к видео 10/28/2011 Research Statements, Faculty Job Applications, and the Faculty Selection Process

On Friday, October 28, 2011, Professor and Associate Chair of Biology at Duke University, Prof. Mohamed Noor, presented on approaches to writing research statements and how they might be evaluated and considered by faculty selection committees. He addressed questions such as:

-What should you include in your faculty job application? What should you leave out?
-What does a good research statement for faculty positions look like?
-How big a role does the research statement play for the selection committee?

The 2011 Academic Job Search Series is co-sponsored by Postdoctoral Services, the Career Center, and the Graduate School. Questions? Contact Molly Starback, Director of Postdoc Services, at [email protected]


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