Spirovent Air & Dirt Separators Remove 100% Free and Entrained Air and up to 99.6% Dissolved Air

Описание к видео Spirovent Air & Dirt Separators Remove 100% Free and Entrained Air and up to 99.6% Dissolved Air

The unique construction of the Spirovent Air & Dirt separator allows for the removal of both air and dirt particles from hydronic heating or cooling systems.

The patented Spirotube®, the core of the Spirovent Air & Dirt separator, causes dirt particles of all sizes to sink to the bottom of the unit and collect in the dirt chamber, eliminating any blockage concerns. The air bubbles rise and collect in the air chamber before being released via an integral automatic valve. The dirt can be flushed through the drain while the system remains fully operational. The large dirt collection chamber ensures infrequent flushing.


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