CYNTHIA | Omeleto

Описание к видео CYNTHIA | Omeleto

A woman meets with once-close friends.

CYNTHIA is used with permission from Jack Hickey. Learn more at

Cynthia is meeting with her old friend Clem and her husband David for a get-together at Clem's house. A few other friends have decided to come at the last minute as well, and Cynthia hasn't seen many in her circle in a very long time.

Cynthia is nervous, and not just because of her social anxiety. As the evening unfolds, the other guests reveal their nervousness around Cynthia as well. But when the truth comes out about what happened, the group must confront the ripple effect of Cynthia's past actions.

Directed and written by Jack Hickey, this powerful short drama is a portrait of a once close-knit group of friends torn apart by a drastic event, as well as a powerful exploration of how devastating it is to deny the truth and reality of one's self for so long. Structured essentially as a chamber drama revolving around a dinner scene, it takes advantage of an inherent intimacy and an array of characters to explore the lines between self and social context with a riveting honesty and vulnerability.

With such a tight narrative scope, the focus is on excellent writing and performances, supported by a naturalistic visual style that keeps the attention directed to the actors and dialogue. We start with a scene of Cynthia alone, standing outside and readying herself mentally and emotionally for what seems like a challenging situation before the door is opened by Clem, who is warm and welcoming. But as the scenario unfolds inside, fissures and cracks emerge from the cheerful surface, especially as more characters arrive, including their friend Elliott. We also see signs of nervousness from Clem and her husband, building mystery about the event that caused Cynthia's alienation from her friends to begin with.

The performances are all excellent, with the group conveying both a desire to welcome Cynthia back into the fold and the effort of gingerly dancing around a sensitive subject. The cracks in a pleasant surface widen as dinner goes on, and Elliott becomes increasingly voluble and opinionated, sparking a diatribe about "social Darwinism" and how the "weak" are rooted out by the difficulties of life. Throughout the dinner, Cynthia has been strikingly silent through the small talk, but she speaks up when it becomes clear that Elliott is referring to her. Actor Clare Dunne, who starred in the acclaimed drama Herself, delivers a powerful monologue as Cynthia, not only bringing the "secret" out into the open but also detailing the pain of having to hide one's self and authenticity for so long. It's a tremendously moving, piercingly emotional moment, one that changes the tenor of the group going forward, as well as Cynthia's life.

Compelling and powerful to watch, CYNTHIA ends with a final scene that is tender, open and resolute. A very different Cynthia speaks with more power and truth, and though the scene is essentially a goodbye, we also get the sense that Cynthia exits the narrative towards a more authentic, bold and vibrant life -- one where happiness may be possible, having accepted herself fully and not settling for hiding and silence anymore.


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