$40!!! MetalGarurumon ACE ST16 Budget Starter Deck Wolf of Friendship Guide | Digimon Card Game

Описание к видео $40!!! MetalGarurumon ACE ST16 Budget Starter Deck Wolf of Friendship Guide | Digimon Card Game

Wolf of Friendship is the all new ST16 for #MetalGarurumon and with the ACE card, you can do some crazy plays to potentially pass your opponent's turn! Check out the budget deck guide if you are new and looking to get into the #DigimonCardGame!

   • FULL POWER!!! MetalGarurumon ACE ST16...  

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Timecodes / Sections
0:00 - Intro
0:25 - Unboxing
8:31 - Deck Profile
15:54 - How to Play & Combo Guide


Wolf of Friendship Digimon is the brand new Metalgarurumon ace deck! The Metalgarurumon ace card is insane as it can gain memory during your opponent's turn! Wolf of Friendship decklist features a purple base and a bunch of new cards! Wolf of Friendship starter deck list and Digimon st16 unboxing. Digimon st16 deck list includes new line for Garurumon and Gabumon! This MetalGarurumon starter deck is one of the best Digimon Budget Deck to get! Digimon Budget Deck 2023 includes the Digimon starter deck 16 with 2 copies! The Metalgarurumon ace deck profile trashes lots of cards from hand. The Metalgarurumon ace ruling allows you to blast Digivolve when the opponent's Digimon attacks! The MetalGarurumon Deck will be getting even more support in EX5 making it one of the strongest! The MetalGarurumon Deck ST16 and MetalGarurumon Deck BT13 format is fun to start off for new players! MetalGarurumon Deck Profile also includes the combo guide. MetalGarurumon Deck Post Ban List will be mainly played as the Purple MetalGarurumon Deck instead of Blue until BT15 comes.

Background Music:

#digimontcg #digimoncardgame #digimoncard


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