What Is All The Hype With Probiotics?

Описание к видео What Is All The Hype With Probiotics?

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Recently, there has been a lot of hype regarding probiotics. But what are probiotics? Probiotics are good bacteria for your gut. They are found in yogurt, but are also sold separately. Probiotics are thought to help with digestion and offer defense against harmful bacteria, just like the existing "good" bacteria in your body.
One reason that probiotics might be mentioned a lot is that they’re thought to be linked to helping with multiple disorders. Research is still ongoing, but probiotics are being studied for preventing diarrhea caused by antibiotics, helping with intestinal infections, treating vaginal yeast infections, and treating irritable bowel syndrome. It is important to wait at least 2 hours after taking an antibiotic to take a probiotic that contains bacteria.
Probiotics are considered a good option to look into since side effects are rare and they are easily added to people’s diets. Anyone with a weakened immune system should avoid taking a probiotic because in rare cases they may develop an infection.
If you’re considering taking probiotics to prevent or treat a certain disorder, check with your doctor and pharmacist to be sure that they are right for you.


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