Black Horns Cup 2024 HEMA Tournament - Longsword 3rd place

Описание к видео Black Horns Cup 2024 HEMA Tournament - Longsword 3rd place

Longsword BRONZE final:

Bohdan Donchenko (Akademia Szermierzy) vs Denis Dallari (Società d'Arme Major Militia)

Black Horns Cup 2024 Historical European Martial Arts Tournament. FEDER League.
Kórnik near Poznań, Poland. June 7 - 9th 2024.

- First to score 7 points wins.
- 2 points awarded for hits to the head or torso, 1 point for hits to arms or legs.
- Afterblow has to start at the latest in the moment of receiving a hit - a single tempo double hit / afterblow.
- Double hit / afterblow = no score for either fencer


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