Be Curious | Lakatnik, Bulgaria

Описание к видео Be Curious | Lakatnik, Bulgaria

During my last visit to Bulgaria, Ida and I decided to go on another little adventure where we hiked, explored and camped in the area of Lakatnik.

Each adventure has its own unique experiences and this one was no different. The area is known for its long caves which we started exploring and realised that they don't seem to end and later discovered that they go for about 9km. 😅 The cave is called Temnata Dupka.

Later on we also got a bit lost but eventually managed to figure out the road we should be on and came across some really nice people that let us fill up our water bottles, since we ran out of water and were dying, hahaha.

What I love about the nature in Bulgaria is that it is full of fruit trees and while I'm walking along the road I'm just eating grapes, pears, plums... you name it. It just feels like paradise. 😍

Anyways, one thing that I definitely learned from this experience is not to build a tent on a hill or you'll be sliding down the whole night. 🤦


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