25 Pigeons For Sale | Fighter Pigeon | For sale pigeon | Kabootar Bazi | Pigeon videos

Описание к видео 25 Pigeons For Sale | Fighter Pigeon | For sale pigeon | Kabootar Bazi | Pigeon videos

25 Pigeons For Sale | Fighter Pigeon | For sale pigeon | Kabootar Bazi | Pigeon videos



03146721865👈My Contact Number

In this video beautiful pigeons from Pakistan are shown. Like comment and share if you like the video The friend who is new on the channel subscribe the channel .Pigeon keeping is a beautiful hobby in Pakistan. The world's most beautiful pigeons are present in Pakistan .And I also show you in my videos .It takes a lot of time to make new videos everyday .my target is to get one million subscribers on this channel .Which channel will you support me in getting one million subscribers? i assure you i will show you daily videos of beautiful pigeons

This is my tik tok account link 👇


This is my snake video account link 👇


This is the link of my other pigeons channel 👇

   / @rashidtabsam  

roller Pigeon
Pigeon Keeping
Domestic Pigeon
typical pigeon
Pigeon Farming
rock dove
racing hummer
humming pigeon
dove sound
Pigeon Sports
Fantail pigeon
Pigeon breed
fancy pigeon
kabootar Bazi
Pigeon videos
Fighter pigeon
Racer pigeon
Kabootar Mandi
pigeon market
kabootar ki video
pakistani kabootar
kabutar ki race
pigeon flying
lahore pigeon

The Cheapest pigeons in the World.pigeons mandi karor.

👇👇video dakhnay kay laye is link py tuch karyn.

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Naseem shah pigeons Competition with Dilshad Qureshi pigeons.👇👇video link yeh hai👇👇👇

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2 kabootron ka kiya shikar .Haji safdar Layyah waly kay kabootar hain.👇👇video link👇👇👇

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