Apom Manis Recipe/ Coconut Milk Apam Manis

Описание к видео Apom Manis Recipe/ Coconut Milk Apam Manis

Resepi masakan India iaitu apam manis yang dimakan bersama santan kelapa adalah makanan yang sangat digemari, terutamanya kanak-kanak. Teksturnya yang gebu dan juga ranggup ditepi amat unik.

This is an Indian "appam" recipe that will surely prove to be a hit among the young and old alike. It is very soft and fluffy in the middle, yet crispy on the sides; and this is what makes the dish unique.

apam manis gebu dan ranggup
coconut milk appam
yummy cooks
indian food
easy meal # breakfast

Credits to https://www.bensound.com for the awesome music!!
Credits to https://pixabay.com for the awesome image!


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