ALL 19 Starfield Snow Globes Full Guide | Missables + Cut Content + Unmarked + Hidden + Duplicates

Описание к видео ALL 19 Starfield Snow Globes Full Guide | Missables + Cut Content + Unmarked + Hidden + Duplicates

Welcome, today I have for you an in depth guide and walkthrough to locate all the Starfield Snow Globes collectibles along with their books and quests. This includes cut content, missables, hidden, unmarked, duplicates and quest locked globes. Collection of all the globes with quests will also unlock the Old Earth Armor set shown at the end. Enjoy.

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 - Intro
1:08 - 1. New York Snow Globe | Our Lost Heritage Book
2:08 - 2. Apollo Snow Globe | Sir Livingstone's Second Journal
2:45 - 3. Hong Kong Snow Globe | Maurice Lyon's Journal
3:31 - 4. Cydonia Snow Globe | Unmarked in Mars
5:02 - 5. Los Angeles Snow Globe | Hope Family Tree Book
5:52 - 6 + 7. London and Cairo Snow Globes | Oliver Twist and The Ancient Civilization of Egypt books
6:59 - 8. St. Louis Snow Globe | The Price of Destiny book
8:25 - 9. Shanghai Snow Globe | Missable + Quest Locked | Essentials of Modern Macroeconomics book
9:22 - 10. Osaka Snow Globe | Quest Locked | Diary of Kyosuke Nagata
10:26 - 11. Dubai Snow Globe | Missable + Quest locked | Race to the Heavens book
11:39 - 12 + 13. NASA(logo) Snow Globe + duplicate | Unmarked + Quest locked
13:09 - 14. NASA(launching) Snow Globe | Unmarked + Quest locked
14:48 - 15. NASA(Astronauts) Snow Globe | Unmarked + Quest locked |
15:05 - Quest Initiation only for Opportunity Snow Globe(#18) on Mars
15:42 - 16. NASA(ISS) Snow Globe | Hidden + Unmarked + Quest Locked
16:03 - 17. NASA(logo) final duplicate Snow Globe | Unmarked + Quest Locked
16:34 - 18. Opportunity Snow Globe | Quest Locked
16:50 - Advanced Old Earth Armor Set | Tour of Old Earth
17:23 - Bonus video | Cut Content | 19. Tower of Pisa Snow Globe
18:06 - Outro

Use your headphones, set to 4k 60fps, full screen and enjoy the ultrawide immersive cinematic experience.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Copyright and Fair Use ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
To stand in accordance and conform to Copyright, any liability waiver, disclaimers, etc. All rights reserved -
This is Starfield 2023. Rights go to Bethesda Game Studios / Zenimax Media.
All the clips seen in the video were recorded in my game, edited and narrated by me.
Share my video link but please do not reupload.
Music - Decay Heat + Cydonia + A Home in the Galaxy + Tectonics | Starfield OST | Bethesda Softworks Music | Inon Zur
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