Амьдарлаа босгон байгуулъя | BUILD MY LIFE [Mongolian Cover] - That's Worship

Описание к видео Амьдарлаа босгон байгуулъя | BUILD MY LIFE [Mongolian Cover] - That's Worship

Амьдарлаа босгон байгуулъя | Build My Life [Mongolian Cover]
Written by: Pat Barrett
Co-written by: Brett Younker, Karl Martin, Kirby Kaple and Matt Redman
Translated by: Baatarsuren Buyanmandakh

[Хаанчлалын эрхэм найз Бадамаатайгаа хамтран "Build My life" магтаалыг 2 дах удаагийн монгол магтаалын ковер болгон цацах болсондоо бид туйлын их баяртай байна.]

What a privilege it is to release our second Mongolian cover, a rendition of “Build My Life” in partnership with our Kingdom friend Badamaa.

”Аяа ЭЗЭН, Таны бүтээсэн бүх улс үндэстэн ирж, Таны өмнө мэхийж, Таны нэрийг алдаршуулна.“
Дуулал 86:9 👑

Echoing the words of Psalm 86:9, "All the nations You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord and shall glorify Your name; we look forward to the day where every tribe and tongue shall worship the King!" 👑

[Бидний цорын ганц хадан суурь, бат бэхлэлт болох Есүсийн нэрийг зарлан тунхаглаж, Сүнс дотор нэгэн зүрхээр магтацгаая монгол итгэлийн ахан дүүсээ.]

Let us unite our hearts in spirit with our Mongolian brothers and sisters to glorify His name, and declare that Jesus alone is our rock and firm foundation.

[That's Worship бол магтаал хүндэтгэл, хөгжимөөр дамжуулан итгэгчдийг Бурхантай харилцахад туслах зорилготой ба дээрх шиг Монгол чуулганд ерөөл болох магтаалыг түгээх нь бидний үйлчлэлийн нэг хэсэг юм. Уг магтаалыг хийх хугацаандаа бид маш их ивээгдсэн шиг та бүхэнд ч бас ивээл болон хүрээсэй хэмээн залбирч байна.]

That's Worship endeavours to help believers connect with God through worship and music, including producing a resource like this that will be a blessing to the Mongolian Church. We pray that this will bless you as much as much as it has blessed us producing it.

Та юу хийж чадах вэ?
1. Энэхүү бичлэгийг 3 найзтайгаа хуваалцаарай.
2. Өөрийн сүм чуулганыхандаа хуваалцаарай.
3. Монгол чуулган Есүс Христийн сүйт бүсгүй болж босохын төлөө залбираарай.

What can you do?
1. Send this video to 3 Mongolian friends
2. Encourage your Mongolian church community to introduce this song
3. Pray for the Church in Mongolia to arise in her destiny as the bride of Jesus Christ

дууны хуудас (song sheets here): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k...
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That's Worship is a collective of friends from local churches in Singapore, united in our love for Jesus and all things worship.

We create short worship sets for believers of the Christian faith looking to connect with God. We hope these sets, prayerfully and intentionally curated will allow Christians to have an authentic, personal and uninterrupted connection to God in small groups or personal time wherever they are.

Get connected:
Instagram -   / thatsworship  
Facebook -   / thatsworship  
Website - https://www.thatsworship.sg/

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A big thank you and blessings to our team

Worship Band
Singer: Badamtsetseg.B
Keyboardist: Jonathan David
Acoustic guitarist: Michelle Kwok
Electric guitarist: Peter Moses Gan
Bassist: Benjamin Ng
Drummer: Melvin Sim

Audio Crew: Joshua Poh, Daren Poh, Joash Lee, Jia Yuzhe

Production Team
Producers:Joshua Ow Yong, Joshua Poh
DP: David Liu
Cam Ops: Joel Seah, Jethro Lim, Naw Aung

BTS: Joshua Poh, Jia YuZhe, Joel Seah
Production Assistant: Fanny Kaizen

Editor: Jerald Ang
Audio Mix and Master: Joshua Poh, Joash Lee

Special thanks to Collective Studio for sponsoring their location and equipment!

Additional equipment by Team David


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