AIESEC in Canada 22.23 Roll Call - Dang Diggi Bang

Описание к видео AIESEC in Canada 22.23 Roll Call - Dang Diggi Bang

What's an AIESEC roll call? Just an AIESECers' way of taking attendance.

How did it all begin? AIESEC legends has it.. the old way was the simple announcement of countries or territories and they would say “present,” but one time at an AIESEC International Congress, one African delegation started dancing instead of simply saying present. And that began the whole tradition.

So what's this got to do with leadership?
Well, most of us didn't sign up to be part of a dance club. But by dancing and pushing ourselves and those around us to do something we otherwise would never do, we learn to step out of our comfort zone, and have fun with it!


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