2.2_The Three Powerful Enemies

Описание к видео 2.2_The Three Powerful Enemies

The Three Powerful Enemies: Overcoming Challenges in the Lotus Sutra Practice
In this video, we delve into the profound concept of The Three Powerful Enemies, as mentioned in the 13th Chapter, Encouraging Devotion, of the Lotus Sutra. Understanding these three enemies is crucial for anyone practicing and spreading the teachings of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in the Latter Day of the Law.

Learn about the Arrogant Lay People, Arrogant Priests, and Arrogant False Sages, who represent the challenges and opposition faced by practitioners of the Lotus Sutra. We will explore how Nichiren Daishonin encountered these enemies in his time, and how these powerful enemies continue to manifest in our modern world.

This video will inspire you to recognize and overcome obstacles with the same unwavering spirit as Nichiren, while remaining steadfast in your mission of achieving kosen-rufu.

Key Topics:
The Three Powerful Enemies in the Lotus Sutra
How these enemies manifest in modern times
Nichiren Daishonin’s struggles and triumphs
Upholding and spreading Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in challenging times


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