circular text animation in webflow day 7 100 days of webflow

Описание к видео circular text animation in webflow day 7 100 days of webflow

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certainly! creating circular text animation in webflow can add a dynamic visual effect to your website. in this tutorial, i'll walk you through the steps to create a circular text animation using webflow, along with some custom code to enhance the effect. this tutorial would be useful for day 7 of your 100 days of webflow challenge.

step 1: setting up your webflow project

1. **create a new project**: start by creating a new project in webflow.
2. **add a section**: drag a section onto your canvas where you want the circular text animation to appear.

step 2: adding the text element

1. **insert a div block**: inside the section, drag a div block. this will serve as the container for your circular text.
2. **add text**: inside the div block, add a text block and type in the text you want to animate. for example, "welcome to my website".

step 3: styling the div block

1. **set the div block size**: select the div block and set its width and height to be equal (e.g., 300px by 300px) to create a perfect circle.
2. **center the text**: in the styles panel, set the display to flex, and align both vertically and horizontally to center the text.

step 4: adding custom code for circular text animation

to create the circular animation effect, you will need to add some custom css and javascript. here's how to do it:

1. **open custom code section**: go to the project settings and navigate to the "custom code" tab.
2. **add css**: in the `head` section, add the following css:

.circular-text {
position: relative;
width: 300px; /* match the size of your div */
height: 300px; /* match the size of your div */
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 50%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;

.text {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
animation ...

#CircularTextAnimation #Webflow #windows
Circular text animation
Webflow tutorial
web design animation
CSS animations
interactive design
text effects
webflow tips
motion graphics
creative typography
UI animation
responsive design
animation techniques
circular motion
design practice
100 days of webflow


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