Castle Combe - Crash and Action - CCRC Race Day - May 2024

Описание к видео Castle Combe - Crash and Action - CCRC Race Day - May 2024

Despite being incredibly wet and slippery pretty much all day, this was actually quite an uneventful race meeting. However that does not by any stretch of the imagination make it boring; I mean we had a grid of 40 Fords, most of which were Escorts and Sierras, now you can't tell me that's boring! Only downside were the fairly sizeable delays after an accident in the first Modified Ford race took a while to clean up, and the torrential rain showers that kept flooding the track...
Obviously there is a new safety fence at Quarry, thankfully it doesn't make too much of a difference, just have to move a couple feet to the left of where I was before.

Instagram - @Cars.Are.Racing
Monday 6th May 2024


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