REDD+ Learning Session 7: Satellite Data for REDD+ MRV

Описание к видео REDD+ Learning Session 7: Satellite Data for REDD+ MRV

This is an archive of a REDD+ Learning Session that took place January 30, 2013.

Aurélie Shapiro, Remote Sensing Specialist with WWF Germany, takes us through an overview of satellite data for REDD+ MRV. Learn about a number of data sources available specifically for REDD+ MRV, how to select imagery based on timing resolution, and how to budget for imagery for forest mapping and monitoring.

The webinar also includes a spotlight on RapidEye, an imagery resource that can help provide data for REDD+ MRV.

A Q + A session follows the presentation.

RapidEye is one of a variety of resources available for satellite imagery, and our inclusion of it in this webinar does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement by WWF.


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