Sam Cintron You're Amazing

Описание к видео Sam Cintron You're Amazing

Verse 1- You make yourself so available so easy, you show
your favor, your mercies, you restore me, what an everlasting
love you show to us all, you amaze me

Chorus- You're amazing, you blow my mind, Heaven opens
when I call, you lean over and you hear my cry

Verse 2- You make yourself so available so easy, you show
your favor, your mercies, you restore me, what an everlasting
love you show to us all, you amaze me. You're someway,
somehow able to leave my past behind, you carry me into your
presence, Lord you hold nothing back, and to top it off you look
at me as if I've never sinned before, now that amazes me.

Chorus- My God, You're amazing, you blow my mind, Heaven
opens when I call, you lean over and you hear my cry. My God,
you're amazing, you blow my mind, The Lord of all creation
stops to listen to the cry of my heart, The Lord of all creation
stops to listen to the cry of my heart.


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