How to answer VO if you have relatives in USA?

Описание к видео How to answer VO if you have relatives in USA?

Dear ALL,

Thank you for being so supportive of USA Visa Success Series – Your Key to Open the Visa Door

This is USA Visa Success Video 21. In this video, I have discussed questions that the VO will ask if you have relatives in the USA. Relatives mean Father, Mother, Brother, or Sister. It does not mean your Uncle, Aunty, or any near or distant cousins. This is important to understand as many get confused and answer yes to this VO question when they have distant relatives in the USA and get their visa refusal. You must realize that the relative means your parents and your siblings only, not anyone else. This video will help you answer questions if you have relatives in the USA. Must watch the video for all those who have relatives in the USA.

I have shared the previous EACC USA Visa Success Video Series link below for you to get all potential visa questions and how to answer them. If you have not checked them yet, you can do them now. Also, revising these questions and preparing yourself better will improve your visa success. So use these links again for revision if you have watched them more than once. The more you revise, the more confident you are in answering visa questions

1. F1 Visa Importance and SUCCESS tips:
   • F1 Visa IMPORTANCE and SUCCESS Tips  

2. Preparation required for SUCCESS of USA Student Visa:
   • Preparation required for Success of U...  

3. USA Student Visa: MUST Required Documents:
   • USA Student Visa: MUST Required Docum...  

4. How do Financial Documents play an important role in USA Student Visa SUCCESS?
   • Financial Documents play IMPORANT rol...  

5. IMPORTANT documents that you need to carry for USA Student Visa Success.
   • IMPORTANT documents that you need to ...  

6. How to CRACK Student Visa Interview Questions for the USA and get SUCCESS?
   • How to CRACK Student Visa Interview Q...  

7. How to prove you are a GENUINE STUDENT in USA Student Visa Interview?
   • How to prove you are a GENUINE STUDEN...  

8. How to answer PROGRAM-related USA visa questions
   • USA Visa Interview ANSWERS on PROGRAM  

9. Know how to answer details regarding University?
   • USA Visa Interview ANSWERS on UNIVERSITY  

10. How to answer University Selection-related questions in US Visa Interview?

11. IMPORTANT USA Visa Question on Standardised Test and Test Score
   • IMPORTANT USA Visa Question on Standa...  

12. Importance of VISA MOCK
   • Jaspreet Kaur, MBA, USA  

13. How to answer USA Student Visa Question on Bank Balance and Sponsor Income?
   • How to answer USA Student Visa Questi...  

14. Who should be your Sponsor, and what USA Visa Question is related to it?
   • Who should be your Sponsor and USA Vi...  

15. USA Visa Question related to Sponsor Business or Work
   • USA Visa Question related to Sponsor ...  

16. How to answer USA Visa Questions if your parents are not your Sponsor?
   • How to answer USA Visa Questions if y...  

17. How to answer VO if you are a self-sponsor for your USA Study?
   • How to answer VO if you are a self-sp...  

18. How to answer VO questions if you have a business and wish to study abroad?
   • How to answer VO questions if you hav...  

19. USA Visa Questions on Travel and Accommodation?
   • USA Visa Questions on Travel and Acco...  

20. How to answer VO if you have previous USA visa rejections?
   • How to answer VO if you have previous...  

I am also sharing the link below to schedule your Free Zoom One-on-One appointment with me:
Remember, this is a FREE first appointment for all my subscribers. Here's wishing you all the best for your visa and praying for your USA Student Visa SUCCESS. Do practice and prepare well. Carry all your documents and reach the Consulate minimum of 15 minutes early.
Remember to like, share, subscribe, and hit the bell notification for the latest update.
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Lots of Love, Richard Lasrado


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