Fasting with Gerard live zoom 05/14/2023

Описание к видео Fasting with Gerard live zoom 05/14/2023

Quick Recap: ⏱️
The group discussed their experiences with hunger, with Gerard leading a guided breathing exercise to help manage physical sensations and emotions. Gerard shared his strategies for detoxification, including intermittent fasting, self-massage, and the use of activated charcoal, as well as the benefits of colonic cleansing. The group also discussed the use of apple cider vinegar, the benefits of fasting, and the importance of electrolytes and sea salts in their diet, with Janet sharing her recent successful fasting experience.

Next Steps: 📝
Gerard will create a video about the Self-Mile Fascia Release yoga pose to help with calves pain during fasting.
Mason will try the coffee enema and report back on his experience.
Janet will continue her fast and report any symptoms or changes in her body.

Hunger Experiences and Management Strategies

Gerard, Mason, and Janet, discussed their experiences with hunger and how it affects their bodies. Mason shared that he had been feeling constantly hungry but not extremely so, and he mentioned that he tends to feel more hungry when he knows he can eat but isn't. Janet added that she also experiences constant hunger but only feels it occasionally, and she shared her strategy of stopping her water intake to manage her hunger. Gerard's mom's participation in the call was also acknowledged.

Managing Hunger

Gerard introduced the topic of hunger and its management, referencing a previous video on the topic. He emphasized the importance of practicing mindfulness and relaxation in response to hunger, as a means to change one's relationship with food. He also differentiated between hunger and the feeling of being emotionally hungry or addicted to certain foods, attributing the latter to a poor diet. Gerard suggested that longer fasts could be beneficial twice a year and encouraged the group to practice these techniques to better manage their hunger.

Gerard's Intermittent Fasting Strategy Discussed

Mason inquired about Gerard's strategy for monitoring intermittent fasting. Gerard advocated for a more intuitive and self-aware approach, stressing the importance of developing a closer relationship with one's body and food. He cautioned against eliciting stress responses through high-intensity workouts during fasting periods and emphasized the need for individual adaptation and moderation. Gerard recommended low-intensity physical activities such as yoga, hiking, and walking to maintain energy levels and prevent "brain fog". He also suggested fasting could lead to an altered state that could facilitate epiphanies, recommending walking and journaling as beneficial activities during these periods.

Detoxification Methods and Personal Experiences

Gerard recommended weight training, taking longer breaks between sets, saunas, hot tubs, and oil pulling for detoxification. He shared personal experiences with oil pulling despite lack of scientific evidence. Mason inquired about saunas for detoxification. Mason and Janet mentioned their past experiences with oil pulling.

Colonic Cleansing and Detoxification Discussion

Gerard provided a detailed explanation on the process of colonic cleansing, including the use of water, coffee, and garlic for detoxification purposes. He also mentioned the possibility of using an enema apparatus available at their retreat center. Mason and Colibri, who have experience with this practice, were present and showed interest in trying it again. Gerard emphasized the benefits of this practice for detoxification and overall health, and offered to share his equipment with Mason during his retreat visit. No further questions or concerns were raised by Janet.

Fasting Benefits and Strategies Discussed

Gerard shared the benefits of fasting, noting that after the first few tough days, the body enters a state of heightened healing. Janet reported a noticeable difference in her appearance, prompting Gerard to suggest that this could be a result of the body detoxifying. Gerard also warned about potential discomforts and sleep difficulties during later stages of fasting, advising on strategies to manage these issues, such as practicing self-myofascial release and creating a dark, cold sleeping environment. Janet decided to keep a journal of her experiences to track any changes.

Magnesium, THC, and Electrolyte Recommendations

Gerard discussed the benefits of magnesium as an electrolyte for promoting sleep and lowering cortisol levels, while advising against consuming magnesium gummies due to their high sugar content. He also suggested THC as a potential sleep aid, sharing a personal experience where consuming a small amount of sugar from juniper berries increased his energy levels while fasting. Additionally, Gerard recommended various electrolytes and sea salts, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, and different types of sea salt, to ensure a variety of minerals in their diet. Mason and Janet found this information useful and interesting.


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