Living Lab - Atlantic: Precision Agriculture

Описание к видео Living Lab - Atlantic: Precision Agriculture

[Rhythmic, upbeat music starts. A drone flies over a farmer’s field as text appears.]

Text: Living Lab – Atlantic Precision Agriculture

[An aerial view shows multiple farmer fields as a drone glides over pastures. A woman is revealed flying the drone. She tweaks the controls of her remote, revealing different views of the crops.]

Text on screen: Stephanie Arnold, PhD Candidate, University of Prince Edward Island

[Stephanie stands in the middle of a field, addressing the camera with the drone on the ground by her side.]

Stephanie: Welcome to Spring Valley. I’m Stephanie Arnold with the University of Prince Edward Island Climate Research Lab. I’m using precision agriculture with PEI farmers, collecting thermal imagery with drones like this as part of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Living Lab – Atlantic Initiative.

[The drone takes off with Stephanie at the controls.]

Precision agriculture uses technology to help farmers pinpoint what their crops need across their fields…

[The drone flies over fields.]

…so that they can do the right thing in the right place at the right time.

[Thermal imaging is displayed on the screen attached to the drone remote.]

The thermal imaging we collect is used to map drought stress in the crops…

[The drone flies over crops.]

…before they display visible symptoms from the ground.

[Aerial views of the rows of crops are shown.]

This helps the farmers to anticipate what areas need more or less water for the crops to thrive. More importantly, this helps to conserve water…

[An aerial view of large farmlands is shown.] that the farmers can precisely determine when, where, and how much to irrigate.

[Stephanie addresses the camera.]

The added benefit is that it also improves the harvest and quality of the potatoes they produce.

[Text appears over an aerial view of the rows of crops.]

Text: Find our more

[Cut to the Canada wordmark. The rhythmic, upbeat music fades out.]


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