"Broken Chains" A DBZ BT3 Combo Video

Описание к видео "Broken Chains" A DBZ BT3 Combo Video


All combos were done in my SCPH-70007 PS2 model. With my version of Tenkaichi 3. Most of the combos were done in a faster version of the game (which is the one which is played here, a hacked version), and the hardest combos were done in the normal version of the game (normal speed). The hack only changes NTSC and PAL configuration, making it faster or just normal speed, the gameplay itself is the original of the game.

So basically, this is a "original combo video". What I mean with original, is that every combo has at least a small idea not often used, or even used at all in any of the multitud of videos youtube has about this game. Also, since it's a combo video, with many combos in it, I decided to put a rule, which EVERY combo must be done, thinking that the opponent is holding back. Meaning that I can't do the same move twice, making the opponent fall and spam giant grab to do 999 hits. In fact, hits and damage are not even important, it's all about the flashiness. So, no giant grab spam, and at least 1 small innovating idea. Damage comes from items, since every combo has a potara. Even if it's just the "Change aura", it has a potara in it.

And to everyone who can understand everything done in this video, no, I didn't make any mistake in any combo. The only possible upgrade I could do to some combos, is to do a perfect smash in place of a full power smash at SOME points (since a perfect smash don't always connect). But other than that, frustration keep me from repeating the same combo over and over to get it 100% perfect. 99% perfect is ok for me.

And also, for everyone who thinks that the combo is "unoriginal", please, do better. I'd be greatful. I'm the first person to incorporate as many unusual ideas into a video from what I know. So if you can do better, do it, give me the link, and I'll add it in the description. And if you think they are easy, then go ahead and do them and I'll add them to my description too. I don't care about "competition", since this was done for fun, so comments like that, will have this type of answer.


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