Pyramid Cave M1 457 Rings

Описание к видео Pyramid Cave M1 457 Rings

One of the most difficult Ring Run in this game in my opinion, It has many difficult tricks to be executed in a single run

Like the one at 2:09(video time), the space between the solid object and the fire is tiny, and the solid object is also tiny, when you land on it, there is no space to spin dash and jump so you can only spin dash and take care to get to the platform without falling, hitting the fire or the speed ramp
I also think the jump at 2:50(video time) is kinda hard

The Light Dash at 5:52(video time) is kinda flawed, cause sometimes Sonic miss the pulley and fall

I think this way I found to back at 1:52(video time) is easier than the other, you just need to throw the "key" in the place that makes the door open, jump and pass through the false wall (No Solid) and in the time to return, pass the checkpoint way back kinda fast, I think the door is not closed because there is an 'event' ahead the door, the event is invisible and when you hit it you close the door automatically, it's similar to the 'event die' (known as Kill planes) when you hit it the time stops and then Sonic and dies, So when you jump over the event the door remains open until you hit it, so you can easily return back

I superbounced at 1:28(video time) to adjust the camera, it is the easier way to pass through the door back
To pass through that door in front, try to hit the space between the door and the wall(A little pixel) and then you will be abble to pass through

The location of the last ring 458 is known, you can actually see it on the video by pausing at 0:56, as you can see, the ring is behind/aside that thing, and there's an invisible wall, you can't light dash to get the ring, cause Sonic can't get through that thing, and he will be kinda stucked trying to get it if you keep pressing B
On DC version, you can see big instead of the ring, on GC, they removed the big and put a ring there
The Only Way to get that ring, is getting a magnetic shield from the checkpoints and attract it, but to do this you have to avoid 20 rings so the max Would be 438

Once you do all the hard things, take care to not fall or be hit in the rest of the stage

Done Playing on GC
Thanks Werey for finding the door glitch
And Thanks Paraxade For your video


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