🩺Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 👀similar to early stroke symptoms Droopy face😥Speaking problems👄

Описание к видео 🩺Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 👀similar to early stroke symptoms Droopy face😥Speaking problems👄

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Emotional shifts. After you have a TIA, you might feel shocked or anxious about your well-being. It's important to talk to your friends and family about your anxiety, to help your overall mood. Sharing your feelings can help others better understand what you're going through. Regular exercise can also help get rid of some tension and boost your energy.

If you continue to have physical, memory, or thinking troubles after a TIA, talk to your doctor.

A TIA can happen when a blood clot gets lodged in an artery that supplies blood to your brain. Without regular blood flow, your brain is starved for oxygen and can't work the way it normally does.

That's why you get symptoms like muscle weakness or slurred speech with a TIA. It's like having a clogged fuel line in your car. Your engine can't run if it's not getting gas.


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