Andrea Feczko TV Host Entertainment Reel | How 2 Travelers

Описание к видео Andrea Feczko TV Host Entertainment Reel | How 2 Travelers

Andrea Feczko's TV Host/Producer/Writer Entertainment demo reel for 2016. Andrea has worked for HLN, MTV, NBC, SyFy, Yahoo, Marvel, Hollyscoop, The QYOU, and many more.

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About Andrea Feczko:
Hey! I'm Andrea Feczko and welcome to How 2 Travelers. This is your one-stop guide to everything you need to know about traveling. Before I got my dream job as the travel expert on ABC's Vacation Creation, I started here making YouTube videos. You may recognize me from starring in the Key of Awesome as Kesha and Taylor Swift (YouTube's #1 Music Video Parody of All Time). Travel is my passion. I'm on the road 8 months out of the year, averaging 30 countries, and have made 5 of them my home. I want to show you that the world is accessible to anyone and everyone- and here's how to see it!

Andrea Feczko TV Host Entertainment Reel | How 2 Travelers
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