CLEAR SIGN a guy doesn’t like you or want you | HOW WOMEN HELP F BOYS play with them 🚩

Описание к видео CLEAR SIGN a guy doesn’t like you or want you | HOW WOMEN HELP F BOYS play with them 🚩

One on one coaching

Huge red flag he doesn’t want anything serious | How women help f boys play with them. Sometimes women help men misuse them by allowing them to set the pace in dating. Women don’t always realize when they’ve lost control of the situation. When men aren’t calling women, it can seem like a dimple problem but it’s much worse than that. Men you have found what they are looking for call women. Men who want relationships call women. They call women to learn about them. To properly vet them. If a guy isn’t vetting you and just having a good time, it’s not a good sign. F boys love that women allow them to do this. Stop helping F boys play you. This is a clear sign he isn’t looking for a relationship.


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