Calamity's Ashes- Post Apcoalyptic Mecha and Power Armor!

Описание к видео Calamity's Ashes- Post Apcoalyptic Mecha and Power Armor!

In the Venn Diagrams of life, the circles of "Mecha" and "3D Printing" don't coincide as often as I'd like, or there's a more decidedly western aesthetic when it comes to the giant robots being offered.
Crimson Steel Mechworks are definitely channeling more along the lines of Votoms, Maschinen Krieger, and other inspirations we don't see showing up regularly as they should, and I'm absolutely here for it!
The models in the video are freebies offered from the kickstarter- they're free and should give you an idea if it's something you're interested in, which means you'll have to check out the link below then.


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