An Analysis of Archeoastronomy and Observatories Throughout Time

Описание к видео An Analysis of Archeoastronomy and Observatories Throughout Time

Here is what we are told about Human Evolution.

Humans went from being hunter-gatherers, and "peopling the earth," prior to 8,000 BC, to developing settled agriculture and raising livestock during neolithic times, the period of Earth's history beginning around 8,000 BC and lasting until around 600 BC. This in turn led to permanent settlements and the rise of civilizations.

The problem with this characterization n of human evolution is what our Ancestors were actually accomplishing during early neolithic times, and it went far, far beyond what we are told Humanity was capable of.

This a re-make of a video I uploaded back in 2019, and in which I included additional information.

My eBooks:

Physical Evidence for the Planetary Grid System & the Suppressed Moorish Worldwide Civilization -

Transportation & Other Infrastructure of the Planetary Grid System -


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