Robotic Walker是非一般的助行架 Robotic Walker is not an ordinary walker

Описание к видео Robotic Walker是非一般的助行架 Robotic Walker is not an ordinary walker

這部Robotic Walker電動助行器,裝配有動力輔助系統,可以感測到使用者可掌握的動力,發配適當動力協助使用者安全而自然地步行。助行器在平地及上斜時會提供合適的動力,落斜時亦會產生阻力,讓使用者能夠更穩定及安全地於不同的路面上使用,日後老友記推著這部電動助行器上落斜路就輕鬆得多啦。

The “Robotic Walker” electronic walking frame is equipped with a mechanical power assistance system. It can detect a user’s propulsion, and then generate the suitable additional power to help the user walk safely and naturally. The Walker will supply appropriate additional power when the user walks on the level ground or goes up a slope, while giving friction when going downhill. With this Walker, the elders will be able to move around on various pathways in a more stable and safe manner, and they will also be able to go up or down slopes more easily.


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