Cyberpunk 2077 - Technology Explained! (Cyberware, Robotics, The Net!)

Описание к видео Cyberpunk 2077 - Technology Explained! (Cyberware, Robotics, The Net!)

Today's Cyberpunk 2077 video will include Braindance, Augmentations, Cyberware, The Net, Drugs, Robotics and Drones, AI’s and all the Technology of the world of Cyberpunk 2077 explained! We'll be looking into all this high end Technology in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 and Night City to see just how advanced society has become.

First we have Robotics and drones. In 2077 society is highly dependant on drones and robotics – from live-feed camera drones to sparring bots to giant warehouse and contruction machinery. In the world of Night city trash collectors and robotic street sweepers are automated. From top of the line to slapped together from street scrap, robotics are fundamental to every single aspect life from the economic sector to infrastructure management. In fact most public transporation in Night City is automated. Trains and buses are entities on their own, able to communicate with each other with deep nueral networks that can learn and improve efficiecny.
In the gameplay demo and e3 trailer we see examples of these robotics in action as we see these sparring robots, used for training fighters, as well as a Militech drone used to scout areas with its aerial eagle-eye vision. It seems the militech drone can also scan targets much like our kiroshi optic to analyze targets.
The metro or Night City rapid area transit is a huge part of the world and these types of transporation are autonomous.
Next we have Cyberware.
Cyberware are pieces of technology that can be implanted into a human being, from a biomonitor to regulate ones own body, to advanced thermoptics and vision, to lethal cyberlimbs and weapons.
Examples of Cyberware include Cyberlimbs, Cyberaudio, Cyberoptics, fashionware, neuralware, linear frames, exotics and interfaces.
Bioware is a style of ware that is very similar to Cyberware, but with the distinction that it is based on biology rather than electronics or mechanics. Bioware can have non organic components, but it is used to enhace a biological function, instead of replacing it with technology. Body plating and bioscultping can create a resistant or better looking body, by shifting muscle and bone, or grafting on animal skins and components.
Nanotechnology is a type of bioware which include Enhanced antibodies which can cut healing times in half, toxin binders which bind to poisons and boost your resistance to them and nanosurgeons which are deployed inside your body to repair any physical damage you may receive. Medically, the world of Cyberpunk is incredibly advanced and factions like Trauma Team can bring you back from the edge of death with some of this tech.
In the demo we see the fact that Sandra Dorset has a biomonitor, an internal Cybernetic which monitors our vitals.
Next we have Braindance (Virtual Reality), Drugs and Combat Drugs.
Braindances are digital recordings that allow you to experience all the stimuli associated with every action the recordee undergoes.
Everything from brain activity to moror patterns are experienced by the user. Braindances are virtual reality on steroids and can be streamed to your neural system via a special augmentation called a BD player. Braindancing leads to high levels of addiction in Night City. This is the future of dream like experiences.
Drugs and Combat Drugs in Night City are more prolific and pronounced than ever before. Kerenzikov reflex boosters change the battlefield around you as you can use it to perform killing blows by controlling time and space around you.
There are other drugs in the world of Cyberpunk though. This includes Aphrodisiacs, Recreational Drugs, Cool and intelligence boosters, stims, tranquilizers and more.
There are a ton of drugs, so we are going to go through the most unique and interesting ones from each subsection.
Let’s start with some of the more unique recreational drugs. Some of the old reliable reactional substances like Alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, cocaine and heroine are still available, but drugs have much more advanced chemical compositions.
Next we have The Net, Netrunning, Cyberspace and AIs.
The net is a vast telecommunications network that joins all of the computers and telephones on Earth. In the late 20th century the only way you could enter the net was through a computer and a modem, but in the world of Cyberpunk, you can enter the net directly. You can do this using your brain, interflace plugs, cyberdeck and an interface program that turns computer data into 3 dimensional environments and events.
AIs are present in the world of Cyberpunk, although most of them reside in The Net. Some are created by corporations, some are accidents and some are spawned by the infinite nature of The Net.
Finally we have the superfuel of the future. It’s referred to as CHOOH2 in the demo and based on the history of Night City was developed by megacorporations to replace gasoline and diesel fuels as the leading combustible fuel.


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