Dressing My Dolls for Pride & Creating an American Girl Pride Parade (+ My Pride Parade Experiences)

Описание к видео Dressing My Dolls for Pride & Creating an American Girl Pride Parade (+ My Pride Parade Experiences)

This video is three in one - Let's chat as I dress the dolls for Pride, then I'll walk you through creating an entire doll-sized Pride Parade for them (it's pretty epic), and I'll show you the results of that photo shoot as I tell some stories of my own Pride Parade/ Pride Festival experiences.

If you're only interested in some of the video...
*Dressing My Dolls begins at 2:06
*Planning for/Creating the Parade begins at 14:00
*Parade Pics and story time (some of my Pride experiences from the past twenty years) begins at 28:33

I'm really, really proud (pun intended) of this photo shoot and I think it's full of joy, which is the perfect counter to the bigotry that becomes especially visible in the AG community every year in June. If you enjoy this video, do me a favor and share it! Share it far and wide and hope that it brings some joy to someone else.

Thank you so much!
-Kristie ([email protected] and @ag_takesover on IG)


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