The CANCELLED Monsters Inc Sequel...

Описание к видео The CANCELLED Monsters Inc Sequel...

Time to conclude the trilogy! Back to the days of 2004, when Pixar was abandoned and Disney was to make knock-off sequels to 3 Pixar films! We've covered Finding Nemo and Toy Story, and now it's the finale with Monsters Inc. Into the alternate timeline of what could have been, and what's happening next as Disney+ is getting its own spinoff with Monsters At Work. Let's see all the info there is to know...

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Edited by Ben Coleman:   / thebencoleman  

#DazzReviews #MonstersInc #CANCELLEDMovies #MonstersUniversity #MonstersInc2 #Pixar #MonstersAtWork #Disney+ #Lightyear #Disney

...Genuinely curious to see the response to this sequel. With something like Monsters University, it's not so universally adored. So who knows, maybe this was the better reality. And then there's the DIsney+ show. Guess we're to be hit with a million sequels in this reality too. Of course...


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