Should you take a slippery elm supplement for gut health? A GI doctor's opinion

Описание к видео Should you take a slippery elm supplement for gut health? A GI doctor's opinion

As a gastroenterologist, I see quite a few patients who have tried or want to try slippery elm supplements. I've been asked about this supplement quite a few times so I figured that it would be nice to put out a video to give everyone some information.

Sometimes I feel that people are taken advantage of when it comes to health and wellness products. People can be desperate to find a solution to their GI condition and get caught up in the hype surrounding a product. This can lead to hundreds of dollars being wasted. Ultimately, if you do want to try supplements, the decision should be informed. Most products that say "clinical evidence", neglect to tell you how horrible the quality of that evidence is. Also, those companies won't tell the top 3 things that should be tried before their product.

This information is meant to empower you on your health journey and I hope you find it helpful!


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