Type Seven: A Study in Enneagram Subtypes

Описание к видео Type Seven: A Study in Enneagram Subtypes

This video explores the three subtypes of the Enneagram Type Seven using three main characters from Ted Lasso, Marie Antionette, and Dead Poets Society.

From "The Complete Enneagram" by Beatrice Chestnut...

"The three Sevens each represent a different way of expressing or responding to the passion of gluttony. The Self-Preservation Seven finds security through a gluttonous search for pleasure, satisfying opportunities, and cultivating a network of allies. The Social Seven expresses a kind of anti-gluttony by being of service to others. The Sexual Seven channels gluttony into an idealistic search for the ultimate relationship and the best imaginable experiences."

Terminology differs between Enneagram teachers. Historically and today, most people refer to the Instinctual Variants/Biases as Social, Sexual, and Self-Preservation. Some substitute "One to One" for Sexual, although I personally think this mis-represents the nature of the Sexual "instinct", and is based more in an aversion/misunderstanding what "Sexual" actually means.

Teachers Mario Sikora and Maria Jose Munita of Awareness to Action use the alternate names of Navigating, Transmitting, and Preserving, which I think do a better job of capturing what each Instinct is actually going for.


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