Описание к видео POSSUM | The MOST Misunderstood DISTURBING Movie YOU NEED To SEE!

The Misunderstood Masterpiece of a Horror Film that YOU NEED to Watch AGAIN!

Possum is a 2018 horror film that is extremely underrated and deserves to be watched. Problem is most people can only handle it one time, because it is so intense. So be aware, you have been warned...

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also if you're reading this have an blessed day.

Here is The Possum Poem:
Mother, Father, what's afoot? Only Possum, black as soot. Mother, Father, where to tread? Far from Possum, and his head.

Here's a bag, now what's inside? Does he seek or does he hide? Can you spy him, deep within? Little Possum, black as sin.

Bag is open, growing wider. What's inside it, man or spider? Little boy, don't lose your way. Possum wants to come and play.

Look at Possum, there he lies. Children meet his lifeless eyes. See his nasty legs and tongue. When he wakens, watch him run.

Wait a while, my little child, For what is playing dead. Possum, with his black balloons, Will eat you up in bed.

Happy valley, painted black, All the children in a sack. Wave goodbye to sun and moon. Say hello to black balloon.

The parcel opened, out it sprang, The black, long-legged Possum Man. Children, run! He'll eat and smother, Any child without a mother.


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