Deep Snow, More to Come So We Just Dragged the Dog Trails With Lavern Nov 20 2024

Описание к видео Deep Snow, More to Come So We Just Dragged the Dog Trails With Lavern Nov 20 2024

the weather forecast was correct with us getting lots of snow with more to come over the next 2 days. we were not going to plow the Kingdom with more snow on the way but we needed to drag the dog trails for them to get their freedom. i plugged in the td-6 IH cat known as Lavern before heading to the Hoe shack to figure out the broken quad. the YouTube Subscribers, Kingdom Followers had very good information and suggestion posted in yesterdays video which we are all learning about. after lunch the staff arrive to give us an idea how much snow had fallen plus with more on the way her quad in 4x4 was pretty much useless. after we dragged the dog trails and did our daily firewood processing, i was back in the Hoe shack putting the broken quad back together so it can be driven out to the storage shed for the winter. not sure when it will be fixed properly. then her ski-doo can be brought in for a service before the staff uses it for the winter. below is Sir Rodney's email address which is in code to avoid the spammers. thansk

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this is a daily updated channel from the Kingdom in Northern Manitoba Canada where every day is a struggle to survive in the new world we now live in. the life style of recycling, re-using, re-purposing plus living with no money is what the Kingdom has been all about for the last 28 years. we have been doing it long before it became a cool lifestyle. thansk

email ---- kingofobsolete(at)
postal address ---- King of Obsolete, Box 372, Lynn Lake Manitoba, r0b 0w0, Canada
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